12th EAAP Webinar: "Shearing & animal welfare: demanded by consumers, but are we prepared?"
The twelfth EAAP Webinar titled Shearing & animal welfare: demanded by consumers, but are we prepared? is organized in collaboration with the EAAP Animal Fibre Working Group. This EAAP working group of international experts work on key issues such as biology, genetic/ genomic, nutrition, fibre assessment technology, quality and physical properties of animal fibres and their processing products, animal husbandry, animal welfare and economic/societal impacts related to Animal fibre and animal tegument production. The aim of the group is to create a network of investigation and organize meetings to facilitate the interchange of information and progress on different themes related to biology and economy of Animal fibre science and animal tegument production, as well to encourage the dissemination of this knowledge.
The first presentation will be given by Christoph Winckler from “University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna” (Austria) on “Animal welfare in extensive production systems – the alpaca case”. Alonso Burgos from “IncaTops” (Peru) will then talk about “Alpaca shearing as a way to sustainability”. Finally, the last talk will be on “Assessing Animal Welfare risk in fibre-producing animals with the use of the 5 Domains model” by Marlene K. Kirchner from “Four Paws” (Austria).
Detailed information and registration are available on the dedicated webpage.