192nd EAAP Council meeting

The EAAP Council had its 192nd meeting on November 29th. The meeting was held in hybrid format. There were many items to discuss and decisions to take to support the guidance and the strategy of our organization.
Some discussions were about the preparation of the 2023 Annual Meeting to be held in Lyon (France) and of the 1st EAAP Regional Meeting that will be held instead in Nitra (Slovakia) on April 26th-28th 2023. There were also suggestions to give a better
equilibrium to country groups within EAAP to consider for the proposals of new Council members. Updates and long discussions were held about the two Council commissions works on preparing the proposition for a new scientific structure of the organizations and on establishing a strategy for ensuring more resources for EAAP activities. Both commissions will continue their works in 2023. EAAP members will soon receive
a summary about the decisions that were taken during the 192nd Council meeting.