21st EAAP Webinar: “Sustaining human and planetary health through a balanced omnivorous diet”

The next EAAP Webinar titled “Sustaining human and planetary health through a balanced omnivorous diet” will be held on Tuesday, November 21 at 15:00 CET. It will be organized in collaboration with the EAAP Commission on Livestock Farming Systems (LFS).
The webinar will be chaired by Michael Lee, from the “Harper Adams University” (UK) and president of the EAAP LFS Commission. The first presentation will be given by Jude Capper from the “Harper Adams University” (UK) on “Food production vs. environmental provision – are we in danger of consuming rather than conserving the planet?”. Ian Givens from the ” University of Reading” (UK) will give his talk on “Dietary transition from animal to plant-derived foods: are there risks to health?”. The last speaker will be Ty Beal from the “Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition” – GAIN (CH) who will inform the audience on “Nutritional Value Score: A nutrient profiling system designed for nutritional life cycle assessments”.
For further details and registration please consult the webinar dedicated page here!