25th EAAP Webinar: "Beekeeping Today"

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September 18, 2024

The 25th EAAP Webinar: “Beekeeping Today”, will be held on  Tuesday, November 12th 2024 at 15:00  Central European Time.

The first presentation will be given by Gerardo Caja Lopez , Group UABee, from “Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona” (Spain) on the EU’s current beekeeping panorama and horizon 2030: strengths and weaknesses. Nicola Bradbear from “Bees for Development” (UK) will give her talk on beekeeping for rural livelihoods. Following her, Per Kryger from “Aarhus University” (DK) and Annette Bruun Jensen from “University of Copenhagen” (DK) will have a combined presentation on which honey bee diseases are occurring in Denmark, and why ?.

Finally, Giulietta Minozzi from “University of Milan” (Italy) will conclude the session with a discussion on Insights into Honeybee Genetics and Breeding.

Detailed information and registration are available here.