News EAAP 2021 – Registration, Weather and Covid
The local organizer is happy about the large number of registrations. There are currently over 800 people registered on site and about 300 for virtual participation and we are therefore looking forward to experience a lively and scientifically high-level conference. Streaming and full interactivity will be available for three parallel sessions throughout the meeting and will enable virtual participation to sessions selected by the Scientific Commission of EAAP. Streaming with limited interactivity will be provided for the other up to eight parallel sessions.
Please note, that registration is still possible for both variants. So don’t hesitate anymore and take the chance to be participants of this great meeting. Consider the journey , the weather (it could be quite cold in Davos, especially in the evening) and the Covid-Situation . You will always find the latest information on
See you very soon in Davos😊!