UEECA-MAPA scholarships for EAAP 2022 Annual Meeting in Porto!

April 27, 2022
The UEECA (Unión de Entidades Españolas de Ciencia Animal) has already decided on the five candidates that will be awarded a UEECA-MAPA scholarship to attend the 2022 EAAP Annual Meeting in Porto. These are the candidates and the titles of the contributions, already accepted in OASES:
- Abdelhacib Kihal, from Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Efficacy of different mycotoxin binders to adsorb mycotoxins: A review from in vitro studies (Co-authors Rodríguez-Prado M, Calsamiglia, S.);
- Andrea Martínez Villalba, from Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Using water pumps as an environmental enrichment method in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). (Co-authors De la Llave-Propín A, De la Fuente J, Pérez C, González de Chavarri E, Díaz MT, Cabezas A, Villarroel M, Bermejo-Poza R.);
- Nora Laseca, from University of Cordoba: Analysis of genomic copy number variation in Pura Raza Español horses (Co-authors Demyda-Peyrás S, Valera M, Molina A.);
- Ana Blanco-Doval, from Lactiker Research Group, University of the Basque Country: Mare milk composition and antioxidant capacity: Effect of farm and lactation stage. (Co-authors Moran L, Barron LJR, Aldai N);
- Candela Ojeda-Marín, from Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Analysis of ROH using two methods in two divergent lines of mouse selected for homogeneity of birth weight. (Co-authors Gutiérrez JP, Formoso-Rafferty N, Goyache F, Cervantes I.).
Congratulations to all!