Abstract Submission for the 2020 EAAP Annual Meeting is open

All authors wishing to present papers at the EAAP Annual Meeting are required to submit the title and abstract of their presentations using the online application OASES.
The deadline for submission of the abstract will be March 1st 2020. Only abstracts submitted using the online application are considered for publication. Authors will be informed by mid-April 2020, whether their abstracts have been accepted for presentation during the meeting.
Abstracts have to be written in English. The abstract should contain the specific objectives, experimental methods and statistical analyses used, together with a synthesis of the results and conclusions. The abstract must not exceed 2,500 characters (including title, authors, addresses, spaces, and punctuation). Please note that each author can present a maximum of 2 submitted abstracts. Presentations will be accepted as oral presentations or as posters. Only abstracts submitted using online application are considered for publication.
In case of any questions, please contact Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Please be aware that authors, who submit abstracts, but fail to register and pay for the Conference by the 31st May 2020 will have their presentations removed from the program and their abstracts will not be inserted in the Abstract Book/CD.