Call for papers for submission to ANIMAL FRONTIERS

For the first time, Animal Frontiers is soliciting organic submissions to complement our invited submissions.
Animal Frontiers is putting out a call for papers to membersof the Animal Frontiers founding societies (American Society of Animal Science, American Meat Science
Association, European Federation of Animal Science and the Canadian Society of Animal Science). This solicitation is for the August 2023 issue on Climate Adapted Animals. Submissions are due April 15, 2023 (all articles received after that date will not be reviewed). These articles may be Feature articles (3000-5000 words; 3-6 colour
figures, tables or photos; no more than 30 references) or Perspectives articles (1500 words; 1 colour figure, table or photo; 5 references). Instructions to authors and
descriptions of article types can be found here. All articles are subject to rigorous peer review. Organic submissions will be subject to open-access article processing charges.
APC for Feature articles is $3500 and for Perspectives articles, $1500. Animal Frontiers is the premier review journal in animal sciences with an Impact Factor of 6.8.
We are excited to announce this publication opportunity to our members! Send your prospective authors and title to the editor ( for an initial assessment
of relevance to the topic. If your title is appropriate, a submission guide and instructions to authors will be sent by return email.