New Council members!

Two new Council members were elected by the General Assembly in Porto. Council is one of the five organs of EAAP (the others are: General Assembly, Secretariat, Auditors, Study Commissions). The Council is the management organ of the organization and has a crucial role and responsibilities. For this reason, Council...

NOVUS Award winner 2022

The NOVUS award aims to recognize the excellence in dairy research and innovation carried out by young scientists in the very different fields of application. The award is given by both EAAP and ADSA every year and the EAAP winner is supported by NOVUS International to participate to the following...

Visit to Nitra University

EAAP is currently well known for organizing the European animal science meeting although in the past we had also organized regional meetings. Considering the increased need of opportunities to discuss and present specific and regional topics and the EAAP intention to provide services to all members, we are planning to...

Reaching 4500 EAAP members!

It is a great pleasure to announce that EAAP turns the important target of having 4500 members. Thanks for supporting our activities with your loyalty, which is not taken for granted. On behalf of the EAAP staff, Council, Scientific Committee and everyone around EAAP, we wanted to say “thanks for...

EAAP meetings in Lyon for Annual Meeting 2023

On May 16th and 17th there were meetings aiming at the organization of the 74th EAAP Annual Meeting that will be exceptionally held together with the World Association for Animal Production (WAAP) Conference. The WAAP Conference is hold every five years in different continents and next year will be finally...

13th EAAP Webinar: “Ethical dog breeding”

The 13th EAAP Webinar titled Ethical dog breeding is organized in collaboration with the EAAP Study Commission on Genetics and the EAAP Ethics Working group. The Study Commission on Genetics addresses all questions regarding the genetic mechanisms underlying performance, phenotype and behaviour of animals, and also all aspects of how these trait complexes can be modified...

First Scientific Structure Commission meeting

A team of Council members and experts (Isabel Casasús, Gary Hartnell, Suzanne Kreuzer-Redmer, Olga Moreira, Geoff Pollott, Andrea Rosati) chaired by the Vice-President for Science, Hans Spoolder, held few days ago the first remote meeting to organize the future scientific structure of EAAP. This Commission will follow the suggestions given...