EAAP announces the 2022 Scholarship winners!

Progetto senza titolo (15)
May 23, 2022

Every year EAAP offers up to 20 scholarships to young scientists to support their participation in the annual meeting. The list of the 2022 Scholarship winners is available here. We particularly wish to congratulate with Anna Edvardsson Rasmussen for being selected for the H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung Scholarship, the award given to the candidate with the highest score. The winners will receive the free registration for the 2022 meeting in Porto (Portugal) from 5th to 9th September 2022. The grant will cover the registration fee and part of the travel expenses for attending Porto meeting. We wish to congratulate all the young scientists awarded the 2022 EAAP scholarship and we are looking forward to meeting you in person in Porto!