EAAP for your EU Projects dissemination and communication

EAAP team is involved in several European projects and is leader in providing professional services for animal science and the livestock industry thanks to the highly qualified expertise in all the sectors necessary for disseminating animal science. The EAAP team has a long experience by providing dissemination services to more than 25 EU supported projects and coordinated three projects, with around 50%
successful rate of acceptance of the Consortia it participated. For more info about the projects in which EAAP is involved visit the EAAP dedicated webpage. Consortia having EAAP as dissemination group can enjoy its European-wide network with info sent through our Newsletter, received by 4600 animal scientists and other thousands of contacts through our Social accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter) and of course the possibility to organize specific Sessions at the EAAP Annual Meetings. If you are interested to know more about EAAP partnership in the Consortium that you are developing for next EU calls, please contact Marlène Sciarretta (marlene@eaap.org) and Riccardo Carelli (riccardo@eaap.org).