EAAP meets the Swiss Agroscope team

Progetto senza titolo - 2023-11-30T112814.143
November 30, 2023

On November 22nd the EAAP President, Isabel Casasús, and Secretary General, Andrea Rosati, were invited by the President elect, Joël Berárd, to participate to the annual meeting of the Livestock, Feed and Products of Animal Origin Division of Agroscope, the Swiss research centre working along the entire value chain of the agriculture and the food sector. Isabel Casasús gave a speech titled “Fostering synergies within and between animal science societies for the dissemination of science”. The objective of the meeting, named “The importance of synergies and dissemination for the future of animal production research”, was to discuss the strategy of future research activities of this Division of Agroscope. Along the meetings the EAAP group met former Council member from Switzerland, Veronika Maurer, and Beat Bapst, the representative of the Swiss Association for Animal Science, which is EAAP member.