EAAP organizes successful 1st European Regional Meeting for Animal Science and Livestock Industries in Central Europe

EAAP just successfully organized the 1st European Regional Meeting dedicated to animal science and livestock industries of central European countries in Slovakia. The meeting, held in the premises of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and lasting two full days, was attended by around 160 registered participants presenting more than 140 scientific papers offered both as theatre presentations and as posters. There were 10 sessions, including a plenary session, mainly dedicated to animal nutrition, genetic and livestock farming systems. We positively experienced, for the first time, the OMEGA system, i.e. the in-house developed EAAP new abstracts management system. During the Nitra meeting there were many opportunities of networking including a welcome cocktail and gala dinner fully offered by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Participants were mainly from Central-Eastern European countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine). For more info, you can visit the meeting website. EAAP wishes to thank all participants, chairs and invited speakers and above all the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra personnel, represented and managed by Dr Radovan Kasarda for their outstanding performance that made possible the success of the 1st European Regional Meeting.