EAAP Plenary Session 2021

Progetto senza titolo (48)
July 13, 2021

During Davos Annual Meeting, in the morning of August 31st, EAAP will organize as every year the Plenary Session. This year the relative topic is about the multiple roles of livestock in sustainable development. The Plenary, chaired by the EAAP President Isabel Casasús, will host three keyspeakers coming from different experiences and organizations offering unique perspectives about this topic. Anne Mottet, from FAO, will deal with the role of livestock production in global food security, then Frédéric Leroy from the Belgian Vrije Universiteit of Brussel will talk about the controversial topic of healthy diet using animal products. Finally, the American researcher, Jack Britt, from the North Carolina State University, will explain the several possibilities of sustainability in high producing animals. As extraordinary introduction of the Plenary Session there will be the presentation of Adrian Aebi, from the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), who
will talk about the demands on the livestock sector and relative engagement of the Swiss Government.
The Plenary Session will be followed by two presentations offered by the 2020 and 2021 Leroy Award recipients, Giovanni Bittante (Italy) with a presentation titled “Environmental responsibility of animal production: some answers to questions from society” and Jaap van Milgen (France) with his presentation “Linearity, circularity, control, and robustness in biology and livestock production systems”. For the high reputation of the speakers and for the importance of the topics they will present, we suggest you to follow the 2021 Plenary Session!