EAAP Webinar: "The fast growth of the Insects Industry"

This webinar is the 2nd event of the series organized by EAAP to monthly inform, update, disseminate with high profile speakers the EAAP individual members.
The webinar The fast growth of the Insects Industry will be online on 31st March 2021 at 13.15. The speakers are rigorously selected to offer exclusive inside on the topics. With the second EAAP Webinar we intend to update and inform about the development of the insect sector with a lecture offered by Christophe Derrien, from the “International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed” (Belgium), and specifically on the use of insects for animal feeding with the speech by Laura Gasco, “Università degli Studi di Torino” (Italy). But also Sergio Angeli, from the “Libera Università di Bolzano” (Italy), will explain the performance of black soldier flies, likely the most interesting specie for the insects industry. The health benefits by use of insect products in animal feed will be described through the narration of Aman Paul, from “Protix” (the Netherlands), and finally, Daniel Murta, from “Entogreen” (Portugal), will satisfy
interested participants by clarifying the upscaling insect production and on overview of insect products applications.
For detailed information and program Download the brochure of the event here.