First Scientific Structure Commission meeting
A team of Council members and experts (Isabel Casasús, Gary Hartnell, Suzanne Kreuzer-Redmer, Olga Moreira, Geoff Pollott, Andrea Rosati) chaired by the Vice-President for Science, Hans Spoolder, held few days ago the first remote meeting to organize the future scientific structure of EAAP. This Commission will follow the suggestions given by the Assessment Group at the beginning of 2020 and the Strategic Plan 2021-2024 approved by the General Assembly. During the meeting a brain storming was held to discuss the documents by the Assessment Group and the Strategic. Among the main topics there were duly considered the possible opportunities of cooperating with other International Society related to animal science, as the World Aquaculture Society, the World Poultry Science Association, and others. The Commission also discussed the importance of topics that are currently not fully considered by EAAP. The immediate objectives of the Commission are also to investigate the future perspectives of EAAP and what will be necessary to do to achieve the planned future, how it affects the EAAP structure and what changes are needed. The outcome of this Commission is to propose a revised scientific structure to the Council to look for approval of the 2023 General Assembly.
From left to right: Gary Hartnell, A. Rosati, Olga Moreira, Suzanne Kreuzer-Redmer, Hans Spoolder, G. Pollott, I. Casasús