Important facts about the 2020 EAAP Virtual Annual Meeting
Theatre presentations
All presentations must be pre-recorded by the authors. It will be voice recorded over a slide presentations made in mp4 files format that will last up to 12 minutes (or 24 for 30 minutes time slots). Soon we will provide a tutorial to help authors for the preparation of the presentations. All presentations will have to be uploaded in advance to a specific web form on EAAP website (the URL will be given next days).
The files will be checked by EAAP and, if they will have some technical problems, the author will be contacted. The chair will collect the presentations and will launch the session. All authors must be connected at the session that includes their presentation. The chair will check the presence of the authors ten minutes before the beginning of the session. Then the chair will launch the first presentation and invite participants to write questions. At the end of the first presentation the chair will select and read the questions that were texted during and after the presentation. The author of the first presentation will answer live to the questions.
Then the second presentation will be launched and so forth till the end of the session.
Poster presentations
All posters will be voice recorded over a slide-presentations that will last up to 3 minutes (it could even be only one slide).
All presentations will have to be uploaded in advance to a specific web form on EAAP website (the URL will be given next days). The files will be checked by EAAP and, if they will have some technical problems, the author will be contacted.
The posters will be visible for the entire time of the meeting. There will be two poster sessions in which the chair of each session will introduce the posters and handle questions. The chair will check the presence of the authors ten minutes before the beginning of the poster sessions because each author of posters must be present during the specific session. During the sessions the posters will not be shown, unless differently decided by the chair. Questions can be asked through text chat during the poster session. The chair will select the questions and will address them to the authors of the posters.
Study Commissions meetings
The Study Commissions meetings will be online in the timing defined in the scientific program. Only those who are registered for the Annual Meeting can participate. The agendas of the Study Commissions meetings will be delivered in advance.
There will be meeting points for participants, you will receive information in advance about how to reserve a meeting point.
Sponsors’ will have many opportunities to increase their visibility, to contact participants and to support the virtual meeting. Sponsors opportunities will be delivered shortly to industries.
There is a Facebook Official group to which you must subscribe for immediate information to the conference.