Plenary Session available on EAAP YouTube Channel
The 2021 Plenary Session dedicated to “The multiple roles of livestock in sustainable development” is now available on the EAAP YouTube Channel. There will be very interesting presentations from the Plenary Session presented by Anne Mottet (FAO), Frederic Leroy (University of Brussels) and Jack Britt (North Carolina State University) including the discussion with questions from the audience. Furthermore, there will be the presentation by the local organizers (Adrian Aebi) on “Demands on the livestock sector – Engagement of the Swiss Government” and two Leroy Awardees: the 2020, Giovanni Bittante (University of Padova) about “Environmental responsibility of animal production: some answers to questions from society” and finally, “Linearity circularity, control, and robustness in biology and
livestock production system” presented by the 2021 Leroy Awardee, Jaap Van Milgen (INRAE). In the EAAP YouTube channel you can also watch the “Plenary Sessions” held during the Annual Meetings of the previous years.