Quebec City professor hopes to promote edible insect farming

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September 15, 2022

A Laval University professor is working to position edible insect farming as a full-fledged animal production that can even help manage organic waste, rather than seeing bugs as enemies of the agri-food system.

This week, the university announced the launch of the Leadership Chair in Edible Insect Production and Primary Processing, which Professor Marie-Hélène Deschamps holds.

The main objective of the chair will be to offer future agronomists training in the entomoculture sector by 2023. The professor at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences calls it a first in Canada.

Within five years, Deschamps hopes to train students who will be able to work in the edible insect industry, but also to better inform those in government so that they can support the development of various businesses.

Read the complete article here.