The EAAP Newsletter translated in Italian and Polish!

Progetto senza titolo (34)
December 14, 2022

Following the activity of translating the EAAP Newsletters in national languages that we began with the editions in Romanian and in Slovakian, Portuguese, German and Spanish we have included two new languages: Italian and Polish! Since issue n. 228, the Italian and Polish translations of the Newsletter are available for the benefit of Italian and Polish speaking animal scientists and technicians who find difficult to read English.
The translation and organization of the Italian version is cared by Giulia Foggi and Alina Silvi, together with the University of Pisa. Giulia Foggi is a PhD student in Animal Science at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the University of Pisa, Italy. Her research activity mainly deals with the effects of feed additives on rumen fermentation parameters, in vitro fermentations, and the upcycle of by-products to reduce the food-feed competition ratio in animal nutrition. Alina Silvi is a researcher of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE) of the University of Pisa. She graduated in Animal Production and since 2020 she has been working on the aspects relating to the quality of production and welfare in dairy cattle and sheep.
The translation and organization of the Polish version is cared by Karolina Wengerska.
She is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. In her research, she mainly focuses on eggshell defects and their impact on the quality of table and hatching eggs. Like Nina Moravcikova for Slovakian, Gabriela Cornescu for Romanian, Mariana Dantas de Brito Almeida and Flávio Daniel Gomes da Silva for Portuguese, Julia Drews for German, and David López Carbonell for Spanish, Giulia, Alina and Karolina will create their national version of the EAAP Newsletter issues and will deliver it to interested readers. Translated versions of the EAAP Newsletter issues are available here. EAAP plans in the future to look for cooperation in other countries to distribute Newsletters in national languages.

                        Giulia Foggi

                   Alina Silvi

            Karolina Wengerska