Two New Presidents of the EAAP Study Commissions
Two new Presidents of Study Commissions were elected after the General Assembly that was held during the EAAP annual meeting in Davos. The Cattle Study Commission had been chaired by Jean-Francois Hocquette (INRAE, France) who, after his first and very positive three years term of office, decided to fully dedicate his efforts to the organization of the 2023 EAAP Annual Meeting to be held in Lyon (France) since he is chairing the local organizing group.
The General Assembly, following suggestion from the Study Commission and Council, elected the current Secretary, Massimo De Marchi, from University of Padova (Italy), to chair the Cattle Study Commission for the period 2021-2024. The Genetic Study Commission had been chaired by Erling Strandberg (SLU, Sweden) since 2015 for two terms of office.
The General Assembly elected therefore, following the suggestion from the Study Commission and the Council, Filippo Miglior (University of Guelph, Canada) as new President of the Genetic Study Commission. This is the first time that a scientist who is resident in a country that is not EAAP member is elected President of a Study Commission. This election shows again the importance that EAAP has gained at global level.
As first action, Filippo is organizing the EAAP webinar of November that will deal with animal genetic. The Cattle and Genetic Study Commissions are in good hands to continue the positive activities to serve the EAAP animal science network.