UEECA Scholarship winners to attend 72nd Annual Meeting in Davos

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June 30, 2021

Every year, the Unión de Entidades Españolas de Ciencia Animal (UEECA, the Spanish federation of animal science) provides scholarships to attend the EAAP Annual Meetings, aiming to a better representation of Spanish animal scientists in the EAAP community. The awardees received a scholarship by UEECA and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture. Below the list of the winners to attend the
72nd EAAP Annual meeting that will be held in Davos:

• Loubna Abou el Qassim, from Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario (SERIDA): The effect of pasteurization in the expression of bovine milk microRNA. Co-author: Royo LJ

•Claudia Baila Bigne, from CITA de Aragón-IA2: Inclusion of sainfoin in fattening concentrate: performance and carcass traits of light lambs. Coauthors: Joy M, Blanco M, Casasús I, Ripoll G, Lobón S

• Laura González Blanco, from Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario (SERIDA): The role of oxidative stress and autophagy in meat quality defects. Co-authors: Diñeiro Y, García MJ, Sierra V, Coto-Montes A, Oliván M

• María Martínez Castillero, from Universidad de Zaragoza- IA2. Pleiotropic genomic regions for growth and carcass quality traits in Rubia Gallega breed. Co-authors: Then C, Altarriba J, Srihi H, LópezCarbonell D, Díaz C, Martínez P, Hermida M, Varona L

• Agostina Zubiri Gaitán, from Universitat Politècnica de València: The microbial metabolome and its role in intramuscular fat deposition. Co-authors: Blasco A, Hernández P
