Visit to Nitra University

EAAP is currently well known for organizing the European animal science meeting although in the past we had also organized regional meetings. Considering the increased need of opportunities to discuss and present specific and regional topics and the EAAP intention to provide services to all members, we are planning to organize again regional meetings, complementary to the Annual Meetings.
This plan will offer more direct services to our members, giving the opportunity to scientists, who do not participate to the Annual Meetings, to know more about EAAP and to discuss local animal science topics. The aim is to plan soon, in cooperation with our specific working group, a regional EAAP meeting for Central-Eastern European Countries in the large and modern facilities of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia). Recently EAAP visited Nitra to discuss the organizational details, to generate the
first ideas of the scientific program and to visit the facilities. Radovan Kasarda, chair of the CentralEastern European working group, hosted the visit. We held many meetings, including those with the Vice-Rector Drahoslav Lančarič and with the Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Peter Ondrišík. Great people to discuss with and good plans for having a EAAP regional meeting
there in the near future.
Andrea Rosati and Radovan Kasarda
Meeting the Vice-Rector Drahoslav Lančarič