During the meetings held in Florence the “open positions” in the Study Commissions were filled with new elected scientists. The proposals discussed at the Study Commissions meetings were later analysed by the Council and then the new members of the Study Commissions were finally elected. The new Presidents of the...
EAAP President at the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA)
Joel Berard EAAP President and Head of Division Animal Production Systems and Animal Health at Agroscope, is held his presentation at the conference Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) and Regional Workshop on "Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region”...
75th EAAP Annual Meeting in Florence – Plenary Session available!
Video recorded of the 75th EAAP Plenary Session is now available on EAAP YouTube channel! Enjoy the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIfTlH2w8zk
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open for EAAP Workshop on Insect Genetic Improvement in Athens
EAAP is pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission are now open for the upcoming workshop titled "Insect Genetic IMProvement, IMPlementation, IMPact." This workshop will be held in Athens, Greece, from 29th to 31st January 2024. This event will focus on the latest advances and discussions surrounding the genetic...
2024 NOVUS Award winner
The NOVUS award has the goal to recognize the excellence in dairy research and innovation carried out by young scientists in the very different fields of application. The award is given by EAAP and ADSA every year and the winner is supported by NOVUS International to participate to the following...
Two new EAAP Newsletter translators!
Starting from Issue 262, two new translators have joined the activity of EAAP Newsletter Translation: Dan Rambu and Sanja Bogićević. Dan Rambu works at IBNA Balotesti integrating various analytical and microbiological techniques in a multidisciplinary approach, with a strong interest in developing microbial-based additives from characterization to production, focusing on...
Strengthening Collaboration between WPSA and EAAP
We are pleased to share some exciting news featured in the recent WPSA (World’s Poultry Science Association) newsletter. This newsletter, widely read by thousands of poultry researchers and industry stakeholders, highlights the successful collaboration between WPSA and EAAP (European Federation of Animal Science) at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. The...
The Success of the 75th Annual EAAP Meeting in Florence
The 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) was nothing short of a success. Held in the heart of Florence, the event gathered around 2,000 participants, all united by their shared passion for advancing animal science. With 98 scientific sessions packed into the agenda, the event...
Reference database for cattle breed images
The FAO Division for Animal Production and Health is currently developing an AI-based software application to help identify cattle breeds in the field. The accuracy of the results will depend on the quantity and quality of the breed images. A large number of images per breed are required to train...
Distribution of honeybee mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in an Italian region where a legislative act is protecting the Apis mellifera ligustica subspecies
Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758, commonly known as the western honeybee or simply honeybee, is a highly polytypic managed pollinator species. About 30 honey bee subspecies have been described thus far, originally spread throughout its native regions, which include Europe, Africa and Western Asia1,2,3,4. Local honeybee populations and subspecies are considered well...